Whizzer Haydn A15 pro 寬頻人聲【女毒塞】



經過1年後之主進化 -- 【女毒塞】 Whizzer Haydn A15 pro 寬頻人聲 : 精進、只為更高追求 -- HK$980 a. 高磁路鈹複合動圈單元 -- “中剛性鍍鈹分層複合振膜”與青銅合金振膜框架 b. 6N單晶銅, 凱夫拉纖維編織線 c. 高純度24K 鍍金插頭 d. 提高解析度和聲場 reference link : http://www.e-earphone.jp/shop/shopdetail.html?brandcode=000000175949&search=whizzer&sort=price_desc 1. A15 Pro使用“中剛性鍍鈹分層複合振膜”與青銅合金振膜框架 複合振膜的鍍鈹層能帶來細膩中高頻,聚丙烯酸酯層則能展現彈性的低頻.使用此振膜的強磁單元能重現清澈流暢的人聲與高動態低頻. 青銅合金框架也是業內較為少見的,較高的密度同樣也是阻絕共振的重要條件,使振膜的整體表現更適合“高解析”的表現要求. 2. A15 Pro標配超6N單晶銅雙股線: 此材料能顯著降低在同阻抗情況下對前端播放機的要求,從而使得A15Pro更易驅動. 同時也加強低頻力度和整體的聲場強度。 3. 鋼號:316L 前後腔體均採用行業高端精密金屬注射成型技術一體成型,曲面合殼縫隙小於0.1mm. 採用質感和耐用度碾壓各類市面常見耳機材質的不銹鋼鑄造.杜絕了常規鋁材與塑膠腔體經常出現共振問題,顯著減少低頻在腔體內的損耗.使得聲音表現更加清晰. 316L的穩定和堅固性甚至高於餐具使用的304號不銹鋼,使用這種材料的A15腔體能更堅固;更耐腐蝕. 4. 複合材料耳掛. 使用“記憶鋼絲”“塑性銅琴絲”“TPE包覆層”複合材料耳掛有著常規耳掛無法比擬的舒適性和定型能力.使得佩戴更舒適,操作更便捷. 5. 複合型線束. 主線使用凱夫拉+外遮罩層線束,耐用性佳,同時不會使聲音受到無線信號干擾. 複綫採用更加親膚的高彈TPE線材. 複合型線材不會產生線材打結的問題。 6. 豐富配件 配備了兩種聽感的“通透”與“均衡”塞套; 配備了密封性更好的惰性海綿套. 附贈收納皮包. 7. MMCX通用接頭 與大牌舒爾,UE,等共用市場最主流的高端介面. 插頭使用黃銅3U鍍金.信號更好,耐用性佳,插拔使用次數遠超1500次(1500次為舒爾標準) 8. 功能 高磁路鈹複合動圈單元.精准平衡的音效。 可拆卸式線纜配備複合式材料線束. 多種尺寸的隔音耳塞套,實現30 dB的隔音。 線纜可鎖,確保使用時的安全連接,也可以拆卸,便於更換。 9. 技術規格 揚聲器類型: 高磁路鈹複合動圈單元 靈敏度: 98 dB SPL/mW 阻抗: 16 Ω 頻率範圍自: 20 Hz 頻率範圍至: 40 KHz 線長: 120 cm 顏色: 雅黑 金屬原色 Whizzer Haydn A15Pro Wide Frequency Vocals MMCX HiFi In-ear Earphone Description Sophisticated, only for the higher pursuit "Why choose a higher cost of single crystal copper" Single crystal copper can significantly reduce the front-end requirements in the situation of same impedance, making mobile phones and portable players can also play a better performance of Haydn, strengthen the low frequency and overall sound field strength. Memory metal titanium Inner single crystal copper conducting wire External TPE material Kevlar fiber braided wire The origin of wide frequency and high resolution Using "layered composite coating", with the poly acrylate layer film as the edge, and the top part of the ball use beryllium-plated metal layer; the use of such a rigid diaphragm, can be up to the better combination that "high-frequency has sharpness", "medium frequency has density" and "low frequency has strength". Well-tended,consider every detail The process is almost equal to paranoid pursuit, and is the cornerstone of Haydn's birth. 1.5u24k gold-plated plug The higher purity gold coating has better wear resistance and conductivity, because of its high cost, high purity gold coating is not widely used in the audio industry. L-shape plug ensure the durability of the overall headset, gold coating also enhance the quality of audio transmission in a large extent Customized MMCX connector That is Shure pin, RF pin; gold-plated ensure the quality of audio conductivity, the interface is industry standard, wire and earphone achieve the collocation, freedom higher. Specification Specifications: 18 × 17 × 15 (mm) Driver: 10mm high-strength magnetic circuit layered beryllium composite driver Distortion: ≤1% 101dB (20μpa) Color: metal color (black) Material: stainless steel / plastic, silicone Connectivity: MMCX internal / 3.5mm external Weight: 8.0g Package Haydn A15 pro Earphone Haydn A15 pro customized standard cable 6N single crystal copper customized cable 3 pairs of balanced silicone eartips (S/M/L) 3 pairs of transparent silicone eartips (S/M/L) 1 pair of foam eartips as T400 size 1 pair of foam eartips as T100 size
